Thursday, September 11, 2008

More fiery death

I'm not sure how comfortable I am putting batteries named "IGNITE" near my grill.

Isn't that what you want grills to do? They do cook stuff, you know.

The grill is supposed to ignite, yes, but it's not supposed to ignite everything in the vicinity. I like my grill flames to be largely contained within the grill so as to not set the world on fire.

So, you may remember Not Long Ago, I told you all about getting a new grill thermometer with a wireless transmitter. Well, I got to play around with it yesterday, and that means installing the batteries. Needless to say at this point, the batteries that came with the thermometer were from the incredibly popular world-famous brand "IGNITE". If the transmitter goes up in flames the first time I use my grill, I'm going to be quite upset.

Speaking of upset...are you sad that the world didn't end?

Not really. I like it here. So, even though the Large Hadron Collider didn't destroy the world, we still should not rest on out laurels. There are still many atom-smashing experiments to go, and let's also not forget the ever-looming threat of Bird Flu. Here's a reminder:

1 comment:

Jeremy said...

Ever think that maybe the world did end and we just don't know it yet? Think about it. A "small" black hole was created and sucked the earth into it in a fraction of a second, yet we on the earth would never be able to perceive that happening. In fact, as we enter the black hole, our time slows down infinitely, yet appears normal to us. The remainder of our existence on this planet will occur during that fraction of a second as we get inevitably pulled into this dark man-made abyss from which nothing can escape. Face it - we're already dead.

Have a great day.