Friday, September 26, 2008

Is they?

"This is delicious. My taste buds is goin’ wild!"

Aside from bad grammar, what exactly is this?

This is a quote from a new (New to me at least) infomercial for the Flavor-Wave Oven!

You bought one, didn't you?

I most certainly did not. I'm reasonably proud to say that I've never purchased anything off of an Infomercial, or any product pitched by Billy Mays. This is not to say that I don't own a Miracle Blade, but I can honestly tell you that I didn't buy it.

So what makes the Flavor-Wave Oven so noteworthy? Is it Billy Mays again?

Not my boy Billy, no. This particular infomercial stars Mr. T! Here's a clip for your edutainment/punishment. Please note the part where he says, "I love it when a plan comes together," thereby lifting a line from a show he was on 21 years ago...and it wasn't even his line!

As a special bonus, since I know my Mom will be reading, here's a Mr. T music video about treating your Mother right. She'll either be extra happy or disown me because of this. Neither would surprise me.

1 comment:

Willie Y said...

Imagine going thru life with that haircut........ And I pity the fool that buys one of those cookers.