Thursday, September 18, 2008

Don't even do this...seriously

Yo, yo, this is the life. Give me open land and a big ol' knife to get some bear, deer, even a snake. I light me a fire, do the shake and bake. I say yo, yo, I'm a cowboy now.

And this has what to do with hockey?

Contrary to popular belief, I'm not doing a Hockey theme week this week. You get treated to something much much worse. The above lyrics.

It's almost like a Kid Rock song, but not.

Believe it or not, it's actually worse.

I can't imagine a world where that exists.

Well, there is a very good reason for this. Back in the 90's, a highly scientific poll was conducted over The Interwebz to determine what people wanted to hear in music, and conversely what they didn't want to hear.

The data for what people didn't want to hear in a song was all piled together in one big horrific symphony of awful, which statistically speaking would appeal to approximately 200 people in the world. It's a ridiculous hodgepodge of crap, containing elements such as Opera, Rap, Cowboys, Oom-Pah Tubas, Holiday Music, Commercial Jingles, and the bane of my personal existence, Children's Choirs.

Strictly speaking, the song is absolutely hilarious because it's so bad. Moreso than simply the elements listed above, it contains Opera singers Rapping, Children's Choirs singing Commercial Jingles, A woman screaming Political Rhetoric over a really is simply too awful for words. What you need is audio.

So, if you have 20 minutes to kill today (Yes, this appalling piece of flotsam is 20 minutes long), click on the following link which has an audio stream embedded on the page, and have this on as your background music at work today. You won't exactly be "Glad" you did, but you'll at least be more informed.

"The Most Unwanted Music"

As an added bonus, I found the LYRICS if you want to sing along.

1 comment:

Willie Y said...

Does anybody know where I can find a sharp pencil to stick in my eardrum?