Stupid Bumper Sticker of the Week: "American Muscle Car Association." Why? It was on a Kia Spectra!
Those Kia Spectra are pretty quick...
Okay, let's forget the fact that the Kia Spectra produces an outstanding 138 horsepower, capable of blowing any go-kart off the line, and focus on the fact that this particular bumper sticker was on a Spectra 5. This, of course, is the sorta Station-Wagonesque version of the Spectra. Station Wagons are rarely, if ever, considered "Muscle Cars".
So it's not exactly a muscle car. Cars can dream too, can't they?
Let's also ignore the Non-Muscle Car aspects of the Kia Spectra 5 and consider the fact that it sported an "American Muscle Car Association" sticker while being made by a South Korean company.
This car fails every aspect of its bumper sticker.
Did you ever think it might be a mussels delivery wagon and that the guy is just a bad speller.
If I owned a kia spectra I would do it too and bask in the smugness of my irony every day.
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