Tuesday, August 12, 2008

It's like falling off a bike

People are like Slinkies. Basically useless, but it’s so amusing to watch them fall down the stairs.

I like watching people fall down the stairs. It's pretty amusing.

Well, I'd like to take today's Blag opportunity to edutain The Most Intelligent Readership In The World with the right and wrong ways to go down a flight of stairs. Here is an example of what we refer to in The Industry as "The Wrong Way."

Note how even in the best set of circumstances, the downward distance to be travelled was a bit too far to negotiate safely in one movement. Also, when attempting a descent down a flight of stairs, choosing a path parallel to the stairs themselves is a near imperative. In this case, because the stair-taker chose a path not parallel with the travel of the stairs, the intersection with the railing was inevitable. It was simply fortuitous (for us) that the intersection happened in the...uhm....shall we say "perilous" location that it did.

That's all very true and helpful information. But, is there an example of how to properly negotiate a flight of stairs?

An excellent question, and the answer is a hearty "Yes!" Allow me to now present you with what is referred to as "The Right Way."

Do note the smooth motion, perfectly in-line with the direction of the stairs. Also note the safe two-point landing at the base of the stairs, and the proper hand position during the descent.

I'd like each of you Loyar Readers to find a flight of stairs in your home or work and spend the rest of the day practicing this method and let me know how you do.

Thank you Jeremy. I'm off to practice right now!


Willie Y said...

I am writing this comment from a wheelchair, enough said.

Jeff said...

Brings to mind this classic