Thursday, August 21, 2008

Theme Week Medal Presentation

Jeremy’s Sametime Status Proudly Presents: Olympic Fun Facts Week! Poland's Stella Walsh won the women's 100 meter dash at the 1932 Olympics in Los Angeles, becoming the first woman to break the 12-second barrier. When she was killed in 1980 as an innocent victim in a robbery attempt, an autopsy declared her to be a male.

Speaking of people named Walsh, rumour has it that Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh won the gold medal in Women's Beach Volleyball last night, much to the surprise of roughly nobody in the world. I say "Rumour" because I recorded the match since it was after my bedtime (9:00 PM) and I haven't watched it yet. So if you know what happened, don't say anything, okay?

We go from great success to great failure. Here's people failing at gymnastics:

1 comment:

Willie Y said...

How many points for sticking that face landing?