Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Nothing says “Good Morning!” like driving behind a truckload of asphalt.

One of the advantages to working from home.

Or not having a job, I guess. You'll never have the pleasure of driving behind a full dump-truck of fresh asphalt on your way to work. It's really quite unpleasant, and I'm probably going to have that smell in my car for the rest of the day. Thanks, dump truck guy! You couldn't have stopped an extra second or two at the intersection to let me get in front of you instead? Jerk.

What? You couldn't have peeled yourself out of bed a minute earlier and beaten the truck to the turn easily?

That's beside the point. Here's a flimsy segue to a video of people moving a crane with a crane:

1 comment:

Willie Y said...

I like the guy in the yellow shirt just standing there with his arms out as the crane is falling. "I don't think anything can happen to me as a 50 ton crane falls to the ground 20 feet in front of me". And yea I hate those asphalt jerks as well.