Friday, August 29, 2008

A Kinda Good Post


Would this have anything to do with you playing a volleyball tournament this weekend?

As a matter of fact, it would. Partially.

What's the other part?

A volleyball resource website opened not all that long ago that features my friend (As proven by Facebook below) Danny Kinda.

This website,, features some helpful volleyball tips, great volleyball gear, and a volleyball-specific workout program to help you get the best results. I highly recommend it to all of my friends, Facebook or otherwise, as well as everyone in The Most Intelligent Readership In The World.

Wow...that really is a helpful site. Thank you for pointing this out to me Jeremy.

You're very welcome. In addition, Danny was nice enough to post some helpful and instructional videos on the site to help everyone get the most out of their game. Here's one of the videos featuring Danny and his coaching session with the Men's US Olympic Indoor Volleyball team. If absolutely nothing else, watch around the 4:10 mark for an absolutely friggin' ridiculous spike by Reid Priddy. And that was on the high net, too!

I'm going outside right now to practice "The Gator." Who's with me?

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