Friday, May 16, 2008

The Wrath of Rhetorical Friday

It all comes down to what you mean by 'semantics.'

Well, I guess it depends on what the definition of "Is" is.

Right. So anyway, I've gotten a couple comments from people about the prizes given away on the Blag here for Theme Week Contests. It seems some people think they're pretty weaksauce prizes.

I thought the Official set of Bragging Rights were totally decent.

Me too...but apparently, people want more. It's the problem with our culture today. Everybody expects everything to be given to them for nothing.

It's not exactly nothing...they do have to win the contest. Some of those are tough.

Well, rather than giving away better prizes, I thought I'd share with you an Interwebz contest with a prize that is potentially more lame than the Jeremy Is In The Office Home Game: Volume IV - Ticker Tape Parade. K-Swiss, makers of fine footwear, is currently running a contest where the "Grand" prize is, and I am not making this up, A 15-Minute Phone Call From Anna Kournikova. That's right, folks...a whole phone call from a washed up has-been (really a "never-was") tennis player with a thick Russian accent that you probably can't even understand over the phone anyway who probably will be handed a sheet of paper with 15 minutes worth of corporate-sponsored talking points seconds before having your number dialed for her. Truly a life-changing event...much like winning Wimbledon. Maybe you could ask her what that's like just to see what kind of reaction you get.

Kinda puts things in perspective. Maybe your next prize can be a 15-minute phone call from the Official "Jeremy Is In The Office" Office.

Not a bad idea.

Speaking of bad ideas, Battlefield Earth was a bad idea. For reasons only a handful of loyal readers understand, but nobody really needs, I've decided to share with you one person's vision on how to improve this travesty of a film:

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