Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Theme Week, the Wednesday Edition

Jeremy's Sametime Status Proudly Presents: Name That Tune Week!

Name That Tune!
  • Things to do in your general vicinity
    • Wake up
    • Go out
    • Get drunk
    • Haver
    • Come home
    • Grow old

That's it?

That should be all you need...maybe.

Well, I totally knew yesterday's. It was "Mr. Roboto" by Styx. It's a childhood favourite of mine.

Right you are. "Mr. Roboto" is one of those songs that you listen to years later and think, "Why in God's name did I ever like this song?" but by that time, it's stuck in your head again, and you just can't make yourself not like it.

So here you go, everybody. Don't not like this:

Here's a fun fact: a full 50% of the people that correctly replied to yesterday's quiz began their answer with the phrase "Domo arigato." You're welcome.


Willie Y said...

(I'm Gonna Be) 500 miles by the Proclaimers

Jeremy said...

Say Willie. Perhaps you could explain how a visitor from Maine landed at my website after doing a Google search for "lyric things to do in your general vicinity"?

I'm just sayin'...

Willie Y said...

Dam that Google search!