Friday, May 23, 2008

I paid you to do an hour show!

A clown will not bite me and throw me in the basement.

This sounds like an intensely personal problem.

Actually, it sounds like a hilarious cartoon.

One in the same, really.

So today's Message is a quote from the Animaniacs short "Clown And Out" which features a clown getting worked over by Wakko in a vain attempt to perform a birthday show. Today's Sametime Status is especially appropriate since one of my loyal readers, who also happens to be a coulrophobic, is celebrating a real birthday today.

Any chance of watching cartoons at work today?

You know what? That's a great idea. Here's "Clown and Out"

As a special side note, "Jeremy Is In The Office" will be out of the office this coming monday in observance of Memorial Day. Please enjoy the holiday, but also make sure to take some time from your barbecues and summer fun to remember the true meaning of the holiday and remember those who have served our country. Thank you, and enjoy the long weekend.

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