Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Mother Nature is still a jerk

Jeremy’s Sametime Status is on a 2-Hour Delay.

Oh that's good to know. So if I come back in 2 hours, there's going to be something better here? That's really just a figure of speech.

So we're stuck with this all day?

That's about the size of it.

You'd think with the writers finally ending their strike, you could have gotten a better message.

I'm giving my writers a snow day. There is a wonderful mixture of snow, rain, ice, sleet, whatever else dropping from the sky.

But you're at work.

That's right. My dedication to providing you the finest in Sametime Status edutainment is Second to None!

Happy to hear how about edutaining me?

Glad to do it! Now if you're not familiar with the Fox Sports Network show "Sport Science" they basically take all kinds of high-speed video and measurements on athletes to determine just how much force is applied or how much strength is needed or where all the science goes into creating elite athletes.

Or in Roger Clemens's case, chemistry...

Well, they had an episode not long ago where somebody donated their body to science...while he was still using it. And the results are quite graphic. Gentlemen, please avert your eyes while the following video plays:

1 comment:

Willie Y said...

I had to put a cup on just to watch this. What is wrong with this guy Jason. What's he going to test next, the electric chair.