Monday, February 11, 2008

Cursed Missed Opportunities...

Robert Smith should do a cover of Coldplay's 'Clocks', so when he sings 'Am I part of The Cure, or am I part of the disease?' I can say, "Ooo, I know this one!"

Very clever. Now, pretend I don't know who Robert Smith is and explain why this might be people, unlike me, who don't know.

Uhmm....sure. Robert Smith is the front man and lead singer for British Alternative/Punk rock group "The Cure." He has been described as "pop culture's unkempt poster child of doom and gloom."

As you may have gathered from the context, the lyrics to Coldplay's song "Clocks" has the lines:
  • Come out upon my seas,
    Cursed missed opportunities
    Am I a part of the cure
    Or am I part of the disease, singing...

Ahh..I get it now.

I thought you got it before.

Ummm....yeah. I did. So what else have you got for us today?

I have late-breaking news! I'm a genetic freak!


Specifically, a Recent Study has shown that all people who have Blue Eyes can be traced to a single genetic mutation that occurred 6-10 thousand years ago.

So before then...

....there were no blue eyed people. Which would render the infamous "Island of Brown-Eyed people" logic puzzle a pretty moot point.

1 comment:

Willie Y said...

And what about the Crystal Gayle's song Don't it make my brown eyes blue as a nonsequitur.