Thursday, March 13, 2014

Fortunately, No Friends Named Jack On The Plane

Probably shouldn’t make a big deal about losing my lip balm on an airplane...

Ladies and Gentlemen, we'll be collecting donations once again to pay for Jeremy's bail.  This time, he's in TSA custody.  I'm in favor of leaving him there.  

Fortunately for all of us, I'm still right here, not locked up in some dark corner of an airport somewhere.  I actually haven't flown anywhere in quite some time, so today's Sametime Status is merely a hypothetical big deal. 

Drat.  I was looking forward to having my own Blag.  

No such luck.  Also, I don't regularly carry lip balm.  Even when I do have it, I tend to refer to it as "chap stick" anyway, so I guess really none of today's Sametime Status applies to real life.  It's just funny to plant the idea in people's heads that I would do something like this.

Also, it makes me wonder if this mistake has actually been made in an airport somewhere.  I actually would be more surprised if it hasn't. 

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