Friday, June 7, 2013

Not Really. Please Don't Arrest me. the NSA now knows I’ve called in to a bunch of telecons

They also know how long you were dialed in.  You're in trouble now.

So, if you've been living in a hole for the last couple days, you should know that not long ago, it was discovered that the government (pronounced "GUM-mint") has forced a major phone carrier to supply call records to the NSA for some reason or another.  I'm sure it's perfectly valid.  

I'm not going to waste anybody's time here and delve into a political discussion about whether or not this is an invasion of privacy, an unintended consequence of an old law that was hastily put into place during an overtly reactionary time, or yet another assault on our freedom from a fascist dictator (Thanks, Obama!).  That's for 24-hour news networks to manufacture outrage over.  I'm just going to point out that all the government got out of me is a bunch of work telecons.

See, through nobody's fault, I've had some trouble with my phone at work lately.  It creates a remarkably loud buzzing noise that interrupts any sort of business-related discussion I'm having.  It's pretty annoying.  So, while I waited to have it fixed (and, in theory the issue is resolved now, so I should be done with this once and for all), I've had to call in to all of my work telecons using my cell phone.  This smart phone just happens to be on the carrier whose data was turned over to the feds.  So, I can safely say that they've got nothing on me...all of my shady dealings are done in person.  It's just a smarter way of doing business.  

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