Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Feel The Burn

Raise your hand if you started off your day hitting yourself in the head with a locker too

Yeah....I'm looking at all the loyal readers through the Internets, and nobody seems to have their hand in the air.  You're on your own again, Jeremy.  Nicely done.  Good thing this Blag has webcams on all the visitors.

So by now, you're probably familiar with the fact that I'm not a morning person.  My brain takes a little while to get going, and that's okay.  I tend to use that time for beneficial and productive things that require little to no thought, like going to the gym.  This involves the use of lockers.  I come in, do my little running gerbil thing, then change into work clothes and start the actual brain-using part of the day.  Before this, of course, all bets are off as to how intelligent I'm going to be at any given moment.  

I'm also a creature of habit, and I tend to use roughly the same locker on each trip to the gym.  There's no special significance to it, it's just the one that's usually available at that hour of the day without too many other people in proximity.  Well, today, that one wasn't free, so I was forced to go afield.  I found an acceptable one in a different location and briefly wondered why it was open, since it was in a fairly prime area.  I make to open the thing up and realize why nobody was using it...the locker directly above it was askew on its hinges, so the edges rubbed together, somewhat sticking both in place.  No trouble, I thought, as I tugged a little harder, determined to get the door open.  Well, they both came free, and the upper one swung the other direction, smacking me square in the side of the head.  Awesome.  No pain, no gain, right?     

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