Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I Left One F Word Out

Seems like you only have to Fast and Furious enough to outrun a tank.  How hard can that be?

Seriously, Jeremy?  This is a new low, even for you.  This movie doesn't even open for another month.  You can't possibly review it now.

And yet, somehow I Find a way.  That's the magic of me!

No, that's what's wrong with you.

So, just in case you were hoping for yet another sequel movie exclusively about car chases, the Fast and Furious Folks are at it again with the sixth installment of this delightful Franchise.  This time, starring The Rock!

It still stars Jordana Brewster, so it's got THAT going for it at least.  Let me ask you this...have you seen ANY of the Fast and Furious Films?

I've seen Few of the Fast and Furious series, but it was enough.  In Fact, I think I've only seen Tokyo Drift, and I'm not even sure I know which number that was, but I can Feign knowledge and say it was #3. 

You're a Fool.

Fine.  You can think that if you want to.  So anyway, the sixth installment has hit the preview screens, and all the Forecasts say that the Film is going to be a hit.  It doesn't matter how recycled the plot is, how badly the characters are Fabricated, or how much you like screeching tires.  This is all about star power, and this Film Finds a way to stuff more and more Hollywood B-list celebrities into itself that people are going to Flock to the theaters to see it.  Just don't expect me to be one of the Followers.  

This has been another Flawless edition of Jeremy Is In The Theatre.

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