Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Rhetorical Friday, Now On Tuesday!

Commercials always assume (usually incorrectly) you’re going to answer “Yes” to their questions

Well, they can't exactly assume they're talking to their non-target market. 

Yes, but it makes me feel a little weird. 

I'm surprised it takes that much...

So, the primary driver behind today's Sametime Status is some commercial that's been running on the radio in the early mornings while I'm getting ready to head out for the day.  It's for a local business that for Blag purposes, we'll call "Pay Less For Smoking Supplies" or "PLFSS" for short.  They specialize in selling cigarettes, cigars, pipes, loose tobacco and things of that ilk.  They start off their commercial with a spokesperson asking, "Are you looking to pay less for your cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, or other smoking supplies?"  To which, I respond, "No...no...no I'm not."  The spokesperson comes back with "Well, then you need to go to 'Pay Less For Smoking Supplies'!"  

But...I said no.

First of all, apparently, no matter how you answer the initial question, PLFSS is the place for you.  Which then begs the question, "why did you ask me in the first place?"  On the surface, it seems like a very important question, since you'd think I would need to be in the market for the goods and/or services they provide for their business to be of any value to me.  Apparently, that's not the case, and regardless of my need to pay less for smoking supplies, I am required to go to their store.  I'm not sure what I would do there.  

Second of all, my annual budget for cigars, cigarettes, pipe tobacco and things of that ilk is precisely $0, so the premise that they are able to save me money on those supplies is tenuous at best.  

I suppose if I were to take up smoking, at the expense of healthy living and my current general lack of social exile, and became something of a connoisseur of fine smokables, realized that this hobby was too expensive and needed to save money on the requisite supplies, then I would know where to go.  But that's a far more complicated question than they asked me in the commercial. 

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