Friday, May 10, 2013

I Forgot To Write About This Last Week

I hate it when I forget that I remembered to do something

Why can't you just forget things like everybody else?

That's exactly the problem.  I do forget things on occasion, perhaps even more often than I actually remember them.  This causes problems on occasion, more than anything in the realm of "well, I'll just assume that I forgot that, so I'll go back and do it now."  

It's pretty sad when your default setting is to assume that you're an incompetent buffoon.

So, as happens on occasion, I actually remember to do something, and in as little as a few seconds, I start to think to myself, "did I remember that thing?"  Let's work with an example, shall we?  Leaving the car is a fairly common occurrence.  I do it all the time.  (As a complete aside, I've always found parking lots to be weird.  My parents would be forced to yell at me all the time for leaving my stuff laying around, and now, I leave my car laying around in a parking lot.  I was just preparing for the future!  By the way, Happy Mothers' Day, Mom!)  The process is simple.  You open the door, step out of the car, close the door, lock the car, go about your business (pronounced: BIH-niss, or alternatively BID-niss).  Locking the car, for those of us who spoiled themselves by paying for a proximity key, means pushing a button on the door handle.  I have made this a habit, and I do it ALL THE TIME!  Yet, I can't tell you how often I take a handful of steps away from the car, think to myself, "did I lock the door?" and have to walk back to the car and pull on the handle to see if I remembered to lock it.  You'd think I'd either remember that I just pushed the button no more than 10 seconds before, or remember that I have a key fob in my pocket, so I can just push a button from a distance to reinforce the fact that I locked the car.  I do neither of these things.  

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