Monday, April 15, 2013

FIVE Dependents, HA HA HA!!!

Today’s show brought to you by the Letters S, R, and I…and by the number 1040

Hey kids!  Can you say "Audit?"  That's what Jeremy gets to do!

See, this is how rumors get started.  Rest assured there will be no audit in the Jeremy household this least that I know of.  All of my taxes were completed some time ago and everything is on the up and up.  

Everything is up except your income, am I right, people?!

So anyway, for those of you caught unawares, today is April 15th, and your taxes are due today.  If you're like me, you planned ahead and actually got a small refund this year, so you were interested in filing your taxes shortly after you received all of the necessary paperwork, so you haven't had to deal with this nonsense for like a couple of months.  

That said, there are those chumps who make a big production out of filing their taxes as late as humanly possible as if it were some form of protest that the government will actually pay attention to.  They won't.  But you can keep right on trying if it makes you happy.

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