Tuesday, April 23, 2013

You Can Verify This On The Google

“Can you jam with the console cowboys in cyberspace?” - Erica Dansby

No I can't.  I don't think anybody really can...because...well...that's nonsense.  

Ah, the joys of technology.  One of the best parts of new tech toys is just how slowly some people pick up on them, and how funny they are sound talking about them when they try. 

So who is this Erica Dansby anyway?

Young Miss Dansby was a character on the 1993 children's show "Ghostwriter."  I'd tell you what it's about, but I quite honestly have no idea.  One particular episode dealt with the non-stop action world of a grade school newspaper, and their expose on computer hackers.  Because when I'm looking for hard-hitting journalism on such topics as computer hackers and which girls have cooties, I look to grade school newspapers.  Erica Dansby took on the article apparently due to her familiarity with the topic...which includes using the phrase "Can you jam with the console cowboys in cyberspace."  

See, the character certainly didn't write a line that absurd....it was written for her by some writer pretending to know something about the internet back in 1993.  Writers back in 1993 didn't know anything about the internet.  This makes for comedy in 2013.

Oh...and perhaps it's worth noting that the character of Erica Dansby was played by a 12-year old unknown actress by the name of Julia Stiles.  Perhaps you've heard of her now. 

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