Tuesday, March 13, 2012

They're Pretty Ugly

How did people ever discover that potatoes were edible?

 Well, you take a bite of one, and if you don't get sick, you're in business.

I suppose that's true, but the fact remains...people eat some weird crap.  There are plenty of vegetables available at your local grocery store that you probably don't pay much mind to amid the standard fare of onions, peppers, bananas etc.  Some of these things look like they come from another planet.  

Horseradish is ridiculous.  There's the "Uniq Fruit" formerly known as "Ugli Fruit" before they changed the name because they didn't want the produce to feel bad about itself (or some giant citrus conglomerate trademarked the name "UGLI," I forget which).  Do yourself a Google for Romaneso, Mooli, or Celeriac.  I was also fairly recently introduced to the Hubbard Squash.  Why anybody would set eyes on these abominations and decide to put them in their mouth is beyond me. 

A lot of the strangest vegetables are in the Root family, which means they grow in the ground.  At some point in our human history, somebody not only had to find these things, but then dig them up and go to town on them.  I don't think I'd want to be the first cro-magnon who bit into a nice chunk of horseradish.  Or the one whose friends were jerks and convinced him that this dirty, rock-looking thing sitting on his plate was called a "potato" then laughed when he bit into the rock.  Man...cro-magnons were jerks. 

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