Thursday, March 22, 2012

Creeping Close To Coen Brothers Territory

Just when you think Michael Bay couldn’t go any further, he decides to ruin the Ninja Turtles, too

 Everyone knows he destroyed the Transformers, but how exactly is Michael Bay ruining the Turtles?

Right you are.  In the quest for the almighty ridiculously large Box Office Payday, Michael Bay has sunk so low as to make three new Transformers movies, and there are unholy rumors of a fourth to come out in 2014.  (The same rumors suggest that Shia LeBeouf won't be back for that one, so it's at least got THAT going for it)  How this is even possible despite the deafening sucking sound made by the second and third is beyond me.  Apparently, though, Bay decided he had more childhoods to ruin, so he set out on a path to find a new hero or set of heroes to destroy.  He alit upon the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.  

Everyone knows the Turtles.  Mutated anthropomorphic turtles who learn the ways of the ninja through the teachings of Hamato Yoshi, himself mutated into a giant rat known as Splinter.  Well, in Michael Bay's world, the Turtles may in fact be aliens in a reboot of the entire original backstory.  I imagine there will also be a terrible script, a weak "rising star" lead actor with an unrealistically hot girlfriend (maybe April O'Neill will be played by Esti Ginzburg or something), and lots of explosions.  Lots and lots of explosions.  

This has been another edition of Jeremy Is In The Theatre

Oh come on!  You can not review this movie now  It's not even filming yet!

Yeah, but this is about as close to seeing this movie that I want to get, so it'll have to do. 

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