Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Moved On To Action Figures

It’s Password Day!  My email password is no longer MyL1ttl3P0ny

Password Day again?  That seems to happen quite a bit.

I tend to agree, but at the same time,  the company I work for believes this is the way to maintain IT security and thus will lock me out of my accounts if I don't change the passwords on occasion.  It goes without saying that if I don't bother accessing any of my accounts, then I'll be fired.  Therefore, in the interests of keeping my job, I'll go ahead and change the passwords.

Of course, it's at this point that I feel obligated to announce that none of the passwords featured in my "Password Day" posts have ever actually been used as my email password, nor will they.  They're just amusing little bits that I make up on Password Day to make a little fun of myself and entertain all of you.  

I also feel obligated to link you all to This Episode of the whimsical webcomic xkcd.  You'll be interested to know that it's the first thing to come up in the Google Auto-Complete when you type in "Correct H," so that's something too. 

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