Friday, April 22, 2011

I love a good juxtaposition

I believe, canonically, we're all required to "get down" today

And just who's canon are we following today? Pachelbel's?

Close. Today's Sametime Status is a whimsical juxtaposition. Today happens to be Good Friday, and in the Status, I allude to Rebecca Black's feeble attempt at music called "Friday" which is a really really BAD "Friday".

The lyrics of the chorus include the phrase "gotta get down on Friday" which to me seems a little presumptuous. Not everybody has weekends off of work, nor do they spend their Friday nights partying, no matter how much fun fun fun fun it is.

Anyway...I really shouldn't waste too much of my time and brain bandwidth trying to analyze this tripe. It would be better to introduce you to a much more tolerable alternative:

Rebecca Black's "Friday" (Chipmunk Version)!! Enjoy!

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