Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I don't know if this one makes sense or not

Watching Koyaaniqatsi makes me want to play Sim City

What on earth is Koyaaniqatsi?

Strictly speaking, it's a Hopi work meaning "Crazy life" or "Life Out Of Balance" but in this particular case, it's a film I saw recently. It's a cinematic poem, if you will, which is simply various images set to music with no characters, dialog, or plot of any kind. It just shows the balance between man and nature in an early 1980's sort of way set to a musical soundtrack by Philip Glass.

How I came to see it is a whimsical story that goes back to the sitcom "Scrubs."

There's an episode somewhere along the line where Glen Matthews, known only as "The Janitor" until the series's final episode (Oh yeah...that last sentence is a spoiler. If you haven't seen that episode, don't read it.) is giving JD the "Evil Eye" set to the opening movement of the soundtrack. At the time, I had no idea what the music was or where it had been used before, just that it was really cool. So I did the ol' Google bit on it, and was introduced to Koyaaniqatsi.

Later on, through the magic of the online DVD rental company "Internetflickershows", the film was made available, and eventually, it made its way to the top of my queue.

So anyway...while I'm watching this film, there's a sequence entitled "Grids" which shows thousands upon thousands of people going through their daily lives in New York and LA, involving traffic, crowded escalators, crowds, lines, mobs, and other commuter nightmares, all in whimsical time-lapse photography. Watching the traffic cameras during this sequence made me think of playing Sim City, and how great a Sametime Status this would make.

This has been another edition of Jeremy Is In The Theatre

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