Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Given the options

Having Pip Pumphandle stuck in your head at 1:30AM is more amusing than you might think

I thought you never remembered your dreams. Only the fact that they would make great screenplays.

This actually wasn't a dream. I was wide awake.

Well that just makes things more troubling. That's at least 4 hours past your bedtime.

Normally, I would agree...9:00, I'm getting my glass of warm milk. However, last night, Mother Nature had different ideas. See, I live near a large river valley, and when there's a thunderstorm, thunder tends to carry and echo very well through the region, making it remarkably loud at times. Times like...say...1:30 this morning.

So what does Animaniacs Character Pip Pumphandle have to do with it?

In addition to making it challenging to write a blag (you have to be very careful to spell his name right on a family-friendly website), one component of his cheeseball-eating with Bob Barker story is the fact that when greeting people, Pip likes to say "How do." It's a more formal way of saying "Howdy." He explains it better than I do.

Anyway, for reasons that I can't begin to explain, this part of the story popped into my head when I woke up. There was a particularly loud and abrupt clap of thunder right around 1:30AM. After being startled awake pretty instantly, I thought to myself that this was the type of noise that will make you "sit up and say howdy." I never say things like this.

Anyway...the "Howdy" turned into "How do" and things just went downhill from there. I couldn't fall asleep again until Pip met Bob Barker. was nice chatting with you. Bye.

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