Tuesday, February 24, 2009

They're so gonna go

Go Syracuse!

I agree. Go Orangepersons! That would be the more politically correct way of addressing them in large, integrated groups, I think.

Uhmm....sure. Regardless, tonight is the big basketball game between Syracuse and...uhmmm...some other team who's going to get the floor wiped with them. I'm going to be at the game because I'm very susceptible to peer pressure, and because there will be food and drink in Manhattan involved in the trip. Good times all around.

Speaking of good times...it's National Pancake Day!

Woohoo! I kinda wish the people who run the adorably tiny cafeteria thing at work realized it was pancake day and made pancakes for everyone...but such was not the case. However, if you live near an IHOP, they'll give you a free stack of pancakes until l0PM tonight.

On a related note...here's a clip from "Scrubs" that cracks me the heck up every time I see it:

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