Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Coworkers are awesome!

“Well, today is a monday after a weekend.” – Anonymous Coworker

Today is Wednesday.

Yes, ideally, I should have waited until next monday to use this as my Sametime Status, but it just amused me too much to not share it with you right away.

There was a meeting across the hall from my office, and an anonymous coworker offered this as an explanation for why something wasn't going to get done in as timely a manner as some manager would have preferred.

Personally, as much as I don't like mondays (so much so that some of you may have noticed that I categorically refuse to capitalize the word "monday" regardless of its position in a sentence), I do tend to prefer the mondays that occur after weekends, rather than those that happen in the middle of the week. For example, if you take Wednesday off work for personal reasons, the following Thursday immediately becomes monday. That is somewhat balaned out by the fact that the previous Tuesday becomes Friday. In that instance, you have a week with two mondays, two Fridays and nothing else.

What I haven't decided on is if you were to take Thursday off. That Friday then becomes monday and Friday rolled into one. Does one take precident over the other, or does it all blend into a Wednesday? Discuss!


Willie Y said...

Who's on first?

Jeremy said...

You know, I could really go for a sundae.