Monday, February 23, 2009

It was an honor just to be nominated

And the award for Best Status in a Sametime Role goes to...Jeremy!

Congratulations, Jeremy! This is an honor well-deserved.

Oh wow...I had no idea that I could win this award. It's such an honor to be here tonight with all of you beautiful people.

There are just so many people I'd like to thank. Of course, my agent, who has helped me get as far as I fabulous writers; I wouldn't be here without you. I'd like to thank my Mom and Dad, and Hilary Swank, and my publicist, and my personal trainer, and my cosmetic surgeon, and my second cousin once-removed who's name I think is Steve but I'm not sure.

I'd also like to thank the Academy for putting on such a great event every year and making this year's the best ever. I'd like to thank the people down at IHOP for making my breakfast this morning, and the people at Bagel City for making my breakfast yesterday. I'd like to thank the sweatshop worker who made the bow tie I'm wearing today and the make-up artist who applied my eye shadow tonight.

I'd like to thank the pit orchestra for playing the "Get Off The Stage" music, and of course, I'd like to thank Elvis and everyone who came out tonight to celebrate this award with me. Thank you all!!!

1 comment:

Jeremy said...

This may be a little embarassing for you, but I think they meant me.