Thursday, February 5, 2009

I'm actually not sure I've ever had one.

Hooray for Matzo balls!

Mazel tov!

So, today's Sametime Status may require a little bit of explanation. I'm pretty sure I have zero experience with matzo balls, but I can't be 100% sure...maybe I've had one or two in my life, but at most, it wasn't a memorable experience. Now eating the "Basement Cheese" was life-altering because it was that if I've had a matzo ball, it was definitely well above that.

Regardless...I followed an SUV on my way to work this morning whose license plate was obviously supporting the New York Mets. I can respect this because if this person is a Mets fan that means, like any other decent human being, they hate the New York Yankees, who don't even deserve a link in my blag.

I forget exactly how they had things spelled out on the plate, but the general idea was "Lets Go Mets" and they had "MTZ" to shorten "Mets." No big deal...but my brain started working on ways to screw that up...because that's the sort of thing I do. The first thing that popped into my head was "Lets Go Matzo!" so obviously this person is a fan of Matzo I decided to help support their cause and cheer on boiled dumplings.


Jeff said...

"Let's Go MTZ!"

WAIT no that's a wind company. They are my enemy. DISREGARD MESSAGE

Willie Y said...

Go here for the interpretation of most vanity plates.

Jeremy said...

That's certainly one interpretation of Vanity. Thanks, Willie.