Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I can haz Spring nao?

Coolest part of my morning: Listening to water freeze on my sunroof.

You lead a sheltered life.

Yesterday's whimsical mix of weather led to ice on top of my car. Overnight, it sat in the garage, where the ice when I set off to work today, there were little puddles of water on the big deal.

The combination of 11 degree temperatures (-12C) and the wind chill associated with driving, even though my commute did not exceed 35MPH at any point due to following an oil truck the entire frickin' way, caused the water to refreeze. Forgive the play on words, but this was remarkably cool. It made little crackly sounds as it froze, and I could actually see the crystals forming. (Police, please note, I was only watching the crystals forming while stopped at the red light.)

Then it hit me...this is the best part of winter...well, that and hockey season. And if that really is the case, then I've now seen the best Winter has to offer, and I'm done with it now. Let's have some sun and warm temperatures...I'm ready to barbecue! Nuts to winter, I am now officially ready for Spring, Groundhog or no groundhog.

As a side note, Oil Trucks have replaced cement trucks as the bane of my driving existence. Back when I first started driving, it was uncanny how often I'd end up following a cement truck going 30MPH down the road. Nowadays, I almost invariable end up behind an oil truck...equally annoying, and I think they smell a little worse. Now is a good time to switch to natural gas, people!


Willie Y said...

You should move up here to Maine. They have this driving technique, it's called passing, and it's really great. When someone is going to slow, you just whip around them. Suddenly you are in front of the slow one, it's like a friggin miracle. It could make your drive so much more relaxing.

Jeremy Dailey said...

But oil doesn't quite have the same volatility as natural gas... A tad bit safer, except for that whole possibility of a backfire and spewing soot all over the place.

Incidentally, England was much for fun for passing vehicles, Willy.

Jeremy said...

I remember waiting outside for my school bus and determining the outside temperature by measuring how long it took my spit to freeze on the pavement. Oh, those were the days...