Thursday, October 30, 2008

Thm Wk, Pt 4

Jeremy’s Sametime Status Proudly Presents: If They Had TXT Week! “we wl bury u” – N. Khrushchev

Think of all the needless shoe-bashing that could have been ended right there.

Today's Sametime Status illustrates both the strengths and weaknesses of TXT messaging. In this particular case, instead of having some big speech with an getting an audience and TV cameras and turning it into a whole thing, our boy Nikita could have just sent a quick little text to the US and had done with it. Much easier.

However, you do lose some of the impact. Text messages don't really convey strong emotions very well. The best you can do is add a couple exclamation points, which is annoying if you have to go up to one of the menus, select "Symbols" and find the exclamation point, in my case, it's #4 so that's not too bad...but it's extra work. You could also type in all capital letters to let the reader know that you're either shouting or don't know where the Caps Lock key is. In the immortal words of some poster I found online somewhere, "Caps Lock. Are You Ready To Unleash The Fury?"

When it comes to raw emotions, slamming a shoe works better, but is it worth the extra effort?

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