Monday, October 6, 2008

Theme Week First Period

Jeremy’s Sametime Status Proudly Presents: Guess the NHL Star Week! Henrik Lundqvist, Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld , or Fredrik Reinfeldt

It's Theme Week Time Again!

So with the NHL season about to get underway, it's time for The Most Intelligent Readership In The World to brush up on some familiar and not so familiar names in hockey. Yes, I know technically the regular season started on Saturday with games in Prague and Stockholm, but the rest of the regular season begins with gusto later this week.

Here's what you do: Each day this week, a new list of 3 names will be provided. One of them is an NHL star. Simply decide which is the NHL star, and submit your answer in the form of an Email, Instant Message, or Blag Comment. Entries must be received by 8AM the following day when a new list is posted. One entry per person will be accepted, so be darned sure you've made up your mind before you hit that little "Send" button.

Tell them what they'll win!

I think we're up to Volume 4 of the Home the winner of this week's contest will receive the Jeremy Is In The Office Home Game, Volume IV: Autumn Leaves!

Good luck everybody!

1 comment:

Willie Y said...

Fredrik Reinfeldt is either a hockey player or Hitlers second in command.