Friday, October 24, 2008

I would have loved to be in that meeting

Is the "No Food Or Drink" sign on the bathroom door really necessary?


Very much so. Here at work, one of the bathroom doors actually has a sign on it that says "No Food Or Drink." I'd like to examine this from two points of view. First, the people who deemed it necessary to have a "No Food Or Drink" sign on the bathroom door.

They actually sat in a room wondering where to put signs and what signs to put there and came to the sullen realization that people spend too much time eating in the bathroom. We simply can't have that, now can we? We've provided picnic tables and break rooms and even an adorably tiny cafeteria in which to eat. That should be sufficient.

Also, they were tired of sweeping up potato chip crumbs from the bathroom floor, apparently.

Now let's turn it around and look at this from the point of view from the moron who's walking around with his lunch box thinking, "where, oh where can I eat my lunch? The picnic table is outside, the break room is full and the adorably tiny cafeteria is all the way over there. I have a capital idea!"...and he sauntered into the bathroom. I must admit that this does makes some productivity sense...everybody has to eat, and everybody has to spend time sitting on the pan, so why not accomplish both at once? However, one of those actions tends to have a very adverse reaction to your desire to perform the other...I'll let you decide which is which.

I believe this goes against your policy of Bathroom Humour on the blag.

The key thing to note here is that there IS in fact a sign. Which means it was put there for a reason. The same reason that McDonald's coffee cups have a warning label about coffee being hot, and hair dryers have a warning label telling you not to use it in the bathtub...somebody learned the hard way.

So I call out to everyone in The Most Intelligent Readership In The World to share your stories of yourselves and your co-workers about enjoying lunch in the can, or how stupid warning signs actually prevented you from doing something dumb. It'll be fun!


Willie Y said...

There is nothing more confusing then sitting on the bowl doing your business while eating a Durian.

Jeremy said...

I'm just glad we have wireless, so I can read your blog in the bathroom. Oops - I dropped my sandwich. Gotta go!