Monday, October 31, 2016

Fewer Than Fifty Shades

For Halloween, I’m wearing different colored shoes!

Oh that wacky Jeremy.  Always coming up with Halloween costumes that make the lamest people say, "wow...that's pretty lame."  

Well, in this case, that's really not what's happening.  I recently discovered that the shoes I'm wearing today don't match.

How hard is this, you moron?  You find two shoes that are the same in your closet, then you put them on.  People usually figure this out at some point before kindergarten.   

Also not the point!

I am, in fact, wearing a matched pair of shoes.  They are a pair of brown leather casual shoes that I purchased recently to replace an identical pair that wore out since I wear them to work any day I wear brown pants, which is approximately 50% of the time.  I like them.  So much so that this is at least the third or forth pair of them that I've had, and I've largely stopped paying much attention to them.  When the old pair is done, I go to the same store I've always gotten them in, making sure to have my 30% off card that they send me in the mail, find them in my size and go on with life.  That's exactly what happened not long ago. 

As it turns out, one of the shoes is slightly lighter in color than the other. 

I didn't notice this at the time, or on any of the other times I've worn these particular shoes...which has probably been around a dozen times now.  But for some odd reason, I noticed it this morning, and will never again not notice it.  My shoes don't match.  None of you would have known this if I hadn't said anything.  Oh well.  I'll have to leave for a week to overcome my disappointment in myself. 

Well, that part was partially true.  Jeremy's going to be on a business trip for the rest of the week.  As such, Jeremy Is In The Office will be out of the office, returning next Tuesday, November 8th with all new Sametime Goodness for you all.  Have a good week, and don't eat too much candy. 

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