Monday, January 11, 2016

Injury Annoyance vs Mundane Activity Chart Would Be Useful

The part of my finger I cut yesterday is instrumental in tying my shoes  

See, Jeremy?  This is why we don't run with scissors.

I cut it on my refrigerator.

This is why we don't run with refrigerators.

So anyway, today's Sametime Status is brought to you by the owie on my finger.  Strictly speaking, it's on the knuckle of my thumb, but once you're past second grade, the joy of segregating your thumbs from the rest of your fingers for the sole purpose of making people guess the wrong number of fingers you're holding up really should have faded.  By now, your thumb is just another of your fingers, and the fact that it's opposable is the thing that separates us from lesser mammals.  Take that, dogs!  

Your thumb is also the part of your hand that sticks out a bit when you're putting a plastic container in your fridge and you bash it against the top shelf, ripping a small section of skin off your knuckle.  I mean...hypothetically, of course.  It's really not that big of a deal, but it involves saying "ow" and peeling the rest of a dangling little flap of skin off yourself, and a couple drops of blood, but it's all entirely manageable.  

Manageable until, of course, you try to tie your shoes the next day.  So, not long after that stupid rabbit comes out of its hole and goes around the tree, it drags the shoelace right across the spot where you mangled yourself on the fridge and hurts like the dickens.  You say "ow" again, and go on with your life, thinking, "This would make a good Sametime Status."  

And you'd be right. 

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