Thursday, April 30, 2015


Looks like Bubbles is opening a new location near my house

Well, it's not a Wegman's, but it's...wait...what is a Bubbles?

Strictly speaking, it's not "what" is a Bubbles, but "who" is Bubbles.

Bubbles is a TV character on the Canadian sitcom "Trailer Park Boys" who can be readily found on video sites found laying around the internets.  I can't exactly link to any of those videos here and maintain my self-imposed PG rating because Bubbles tends to be a little on the foul-mouthed side of things.

Good Lord!  I just watched on of the videos.  Does he ever get out a full sentence without using the F word?  

I actually don't think so.  That's beside the point.

So, "Trailer Park Boys" humor certainly isn't for everyone, and absolutely isn't for kids, but the show is actually really good if you can get over the language and substance issues that are remarkably prevalent.  

Anyway, Bubbles is a resident of the Sunnyvale Trailer Park, and how he manages to maintain that status is really anybody's guess.  He has no job, no money, no actual trailer...he lives in a shed somewhere on the grounds, and feeds lots of stray kitties with his copious spare time.  Pretty much all of the money he has he makes from his shopping cart business.  See, he goes to the local mall and throws shopping carts from the parking lot down a nearby ravine.  Then, he goes back at night and collects all of the carts, repairs them, and sells them back to the mall.  He is often seen driving a go-kart towing a line of shopping carts behind him.  

It's easy to see why I think of this sort of thing when I drive past the mall on my way to work and see half a dozen shopping carts (and an old TV) down in the ravine next to the road.  Clearly, Bubbles works in the Greater Jeremy Area now. 

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