Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Only 438 Emails!

Now to see if I remember how all of this stuff works

Well, you remembered how to log into the Blag to type stuff, so I guess that's a step in the right direction.  Welcome back, Jeremy!

Thank you!  So at long last, all that vacation stuff is over with, so I can get back to working.  What an exciting time it is for everyone...or something.

What this really boils down to is the fact that all my passwords had expired (Sneak Peek:  Tomorrow will be a reader-favorite, "Password Day"post!), my email was backed way the heck up, I have some projects that are a little behind now, and not everybody is back to work yet.  Needless to say, productivity is far from a stand-still, but not back up to 100% just yet.  

That said, I was basically away from the office for about 2 1/2 weeks...

Isn't that a Kim Basinger movie? 

Different number of weeks.
Sorry.  Please continue.

...so now I get back to figuring out what's changed over the time I've been gone and how to work with all of the systems again that take time to get used to.   I would say that fortunately, I have plenty of time to get caught up...but that would only work if I wasn't busy.  Oh well...back to work. 

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