Wednesday, September 18, 2013

With Great Lawn Comes Great Responsibility

Kudos and apologies to the spider (I’ve named him Peter) who strung a web halfway across my back yard

Well, there's just a lot going on in today's Sametime Status.  Way to go for quantity over quality.  

I always go for quality.

And you usually fail miserably, but we accept you for that.

So anyway, not long ago, it was time once again to mow the lawn.  Exciting times in Jeremy Land, I know...but there you are.  I got about halfway through when, in the middle of one path across the back yard, the light came across just right that I saw a spider web.  There was one strand from the web that crossed from a small tree down at an angle to the grass.  Nothing especially noteworthy until you take into account the distance crossed by this particular strand of spider silk.  This thing was well over 20 feet long, which is fairly long by my standards, but I would think it would be incredible by spider standards.  I don't know exactly what is involved in a spider making its web, but for this particular spider's sake, I hope it was comfortable, because this single strand must have taken a considerable amount of time.  It's also noteworthy in that the strand simply went down into the grass...there was nothing else that it attached to.  Just went from the tree at a roughly 45 degree angle to the middle of the lawn 20 feet away.  I was impressed.  

Then I ran it over with the lawnmower.

Impressive strands of spider web aside, I had a lawn that needed mowing, and this little thing wasn't going to stop my mower.  It's one of those self-powered walk-behind jobs...plenty of horsepower to take out a spider web.  

So in the end, I got my lawn mowed, and hopefully my little spider friend got to eat a couple insects before his guy line ended up on the business end of a spinning blade.  I named him Peter, of course, after Peter Parker...the secret identity of Spiderman.  It seemed like the right thing to do.

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