Monday, September 9, 2013

It Would Make More Sense If He Was An Autobot...Because...You Know...Car

Not sure if that was a cop with a sense of humor, or if the police have been taken over by the Decepticons

Ladies and Gentlemen, we apologize, but there will be no Blag entry today, as apparently Jeremy has been incarcerated.  We'll work on setting up a paypal account so you can donate bail money.

Wait, what?'re not in jail?  I just thought that with the police themed Sametime Status and all...

No, I'm not in jail.  I just saw something interesting not all that long ago.  I was driving along, minding my own business, and I see that there is a police car up ahead.  They're usually at least fairly easy to spot, what with the multiple antennas, spot light on the mirror, and light bars on top.  Also, the fact that it said "POLICE" across the trunk probably helped out a little bit as well.

Either way, as I pulled up behind the nice officer at a red light, I noticed something a little amiss among the lettering and decals on the back of the car.  Sure, there were the standard lights, and make and model of the car, and "POLICE" written in decal...but off to the right side, there was a Decepticon LogoBeing a nerd, I recognized it instantly, as you might expect.  

This got me to wondering how exactly a Decepticon logo ended up on the back of a police car.  There really are only a handful of possible explanations.  First, the officer in the car has a whimsical sense of humor and thought it would be amusing to stick a Decepticon logo on the back of his cruiser.  There is always about a 2% chance that the police car is an actual Decepticon, at which point, the world has been invaded by alien automatons, and we're all well and truly screwed unless Optimus Prime shows up.  The remainder of the probability is that somebody had a Decepticon decal and stuck it on the back of the first unguarded police car they found, and the nice officer either hasn't seen it yet, or doesn't care.  I like to think that he knows it's there and thinks it's funny.  

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