Thursday, September 19, 2013

Johnny Depp Is Loving Life Today

Yarr, matey!  Methinks “Surprise Forte” be a good name for a band

Avast, ye scurvy sea dogs.  Jeremy be celebratin' Talk Like A Pirate Day while discussin' something what's got nothin' to do with piracy.  It be a right strange juxtaposition.  Yarr...even pirates be usin' the word juxtaposition.  

So, as ye may know, I be a bit of a musician in some of me spare time.  It be a most relaxin' thing for be to be doin'.  

I'm going to stop the whole pirate thing's a little difficult to write and talk like a pirate at the same time, and you get the idea.  

Anyway, while discussing a particular piece of music not long ago, there is a part where everything is quiet and then very suddenly, everything gets very loud.  The technical musical term for this is sforzando, which basically means, "suddenly loud."  The way it was described at the time was "Surprise Forte," with "Forte" being the musical term for loud.  This description sounded very amusing at the time, and it was decided that a good name for a band would be "Surprise Forte."  It's classy, musical, and brash all at the same time.  So, if my other spectacular band names such as "Cow Vibrato" and "The Dave Phlegm Project" don't work out (Just for the record, these really are actual band names that have been discussed at various points in my life), at least I'll have "Surprise Forte" to land on.

Enjoy the rest of Talk Like A Pirate Day, mateys!  

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