Monday, July 22, 2013

Post Cheesey Title Here

Here’s a Fun Fact!  Cottage Cheese was invented in a Greek Villa

And Greek fries were invented in France.  What's your point?

Well, it just amuses me that cottage cheese dates back much farther than their eponymous cottages.  In early America, cheese curds were made by farmers in their small cottages using what milk was left over after making butter.  The resulting food product, also known by the more poetic "curds and whey" was largely what cottage cheese is today.  It was subsequently named Cottage Cheese, despite the fact that it had been invented in Greek villas hundreds of years earlier.  Go American Imperialism!  

Here's your bonus Fun Fact of the day.  it takes over 150 pounds of milk to produce 15 pounds of Cottage Cheese.  

You now know more than you did yesterday about Cottage Cheese.  You are welcome! 

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