Thursday, March 14, 2013

We're Better Off, Even If It Takes A Whole Week

Now that they’re not busy, maybe we should put the College of Cardinals in charge of fixing the Sequester

So for those unawares, the College of Cardinals selected a new Pope yesterday.  It was an impressively short conclave this time around, lasting only 2 days.  At one point, starting in the year 1268, a conclave lasted for 27 months before the Cardinals elected a Pope.  

If you're also unaware, and that means you haven't been reading the Blag here, the US Congress is completely incompetent, having gone so far as to underestimate their own incompetence and have screwed around with this Sequester nonsense for well over a year and have made roughly zero progress.  

The answer is simple.  Put people who know how to get things done in charge of the stuff that needs to get done, and throw the others out on their ears.  The College of Cardinals has shown that they know how to accomplish something when they (quite literally) lock themselves in a room and make up their minds to do so.  While I may also suggest locking congress up in a room until they come up with a real budget idea to get rid of the Sequester, I'm much more in favor of scrapping all of those idiots and turning over the accomplishing-stuff reins to a new group.  Now, I'm sure some people will object to the Cardinals running the government (religious persecution and all of that), but it's only for a short time.  If absolutely nothing else, I'm entirely sure they can shame the standard elected officials into doing something right for a change.  

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