Wednesday, March 27, 2013

It's Next To Main Streeet

The world is misspelled!  Oh wait…maybe it’s just my GPS

Nope.  It's clearly the world that's misspelled, Jeremy.  Maybe you should run for office or something, so you can be on the committee which names stuff.  That way, you can actually make a change and fix the spellings that are wrong with the world.

So, for reasons that don't need exploring at this juncture, I'm driving around with a GPS now.  As is hopefully expected, I don't really need a GPS to get to and from work or any of my usual daily travels, but the fact remains, I have a GPS.  If absolutely nothing else, it's fun to look at, since I normally don't, and see what's around as I drive by.  If I really wanted, I could zoom way the heck out and watch just how slowly I'm traversing the country and feel tiny...but so far, I haven't wanted.  

Imagine my shock when I come across a road called "Facillities Drive."  At first, I thought the morning sun had damaged my vision, or maybe in my usual morning stupor, I was seeing a double L on the GPS screen where there really wasn't one.  Nope...the thing was misspelled.  Needless to say, the GPS couldn't possibly be wrong, so I'm forced to come to the conclusion that "Facilities Drive" is misspelled "Facillities Drive" in real life.  I don't know who should go about fixing this oversight, but they should get on the stick and do so.  

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