Friday, January 11, 2013

I Actually Would Vote for B.B. Rodriguez

Vote Robot!

Didn't we just have an election between two robots?  I, for one, do NOT welcome our new robot overlords.  

As you may or may not know, I'm a fan of Wil Wheaton's celebrity board gaming show Table Top, and have even subsequently bought 3 of the games featured.  Yes, Pandemic is one of them.  Anyway, one of the games that hasn't been featured on the show is the timeless classic "Monopoly." 

Monopoly hasn't changed in quite some time, aside from the various novelty versions that have appeared from time to time.  The properties are all the same, the colors have been constant, the railroads are all still the same, good old Uncle Pennybags hasn't aged a day, and you can still go to jail for stepping in the wrong spot...pretty standard for a game based in New Jersey.  As with all timeless classics, fiscal responsibility eventually takes precedent over history and heritage, and Hasbro (Parent company of Parker Brothers) has now felt the urge to crap all over everything. 

Well, maybe not everything...but at least one thing. 

The company has set up an online vote, since nothing on the internet can possibly have its integrity challenged, to replace one of the iconic player tokens with one more stupid.  Currently, there are the Race Car, Top Hat, Battleship, Thimble, Boot, Wheelbarrow, Iron, and Dog.  Everyone wants to be the Race Car, and whoever picks last ends up as the Iron, and complains that he had to be the iron last time.  There are five new tokens set to replace one of the standards, which are a Guitar, Cat, Helicopter, Diamond Ring, and Robot. 

Obviously the diamond ring is stupid, so forget that one.  The cat is simply to shut up cat people who think that since there's a dog, there should be a cat.  The helicopter would be okay, if its design weren't so lame.  The guitar is a popular choice because music is currently not represented in any way in the game.  But, the only possible choice here is the robot.  Not only is it Adorable, but it represents the next stage in human evolution which has always accompanied the player tokens.  Monopoly is very much like a time capsule, showing society's place at the time the game was published.  Property values are adjusted for inflation, man's technical evolution is shown in the tokens (from clothes and sewing, to ironing, to scientific advances like cars and boats), and the overall goal is to gain as much money as you can at the total and humiliating expense of other people.  It's human heritage in box form, and it deserves to honor robotics.  Go vote, everybody!!

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