Thursday, January 20, 2011

There was no Blag back then

Today’s date would have been interesting in Europe 10 years ago: 20/01/2001. It only happens once every 973,000 years!

That's so far beyond a stretch, it's kinda funny.

That's the idea. There was one of these stupid things not long ago where somebody pointed out that the date was a palindrome or something and it won't happen again for another 10,00 years or so. These are nonsense.

Depending on how you write the date, what information you include, and what you find interesting, you can come up with some silly pattern that won't happen for another 50,000 years pretty easily. Take today's for example. It only works if you use the more sensible European method of writing the date, in that the day comes first. That way, you're going in increasing order of time. Days are shorter than months, which are shorter than years, so it's more precisely broken down by saying today is the 20th of January, 2011. As such, 10 years ago, today would have been 20/01/2001...which is 2001 written twice...unless of course you leave out the leading zero in the day, which most people do, or leave out the 20 in the year, which happens quite often too. So you could effectively write the date 20/1/2001 which isn't noteworthy, or 20/1/01 which is even less noteworthy.

My point, of course, is that you can find a pattern in numbers just about anywhere if you look hard enough...and the fact that the very specific one you found won't happen for another 3200 years is worthless, since some other goofy pattern will show up in a couple days.

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