Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Or freezing rain

Well...I did tell the Snow to go away. Guess I didn’t specifically mention sleet.

You can't win them all.

Winter sucks.

I've officially had enough of shoveling snow and driving through snow and looking at snow and whatever else it is that often happens with snow. I'm ready for spring to hope eternal.

Anyway...last week, when we got about a foot of snow and I was working from home, I posted a Sametime Status that said "Snow, Snow, go away...come back roughly never." It didn't make it to Blag form because nobody was at work anyway, so I didn't bother. It happens.

Anyway, it seems I wasn't specific enough and Mother Nature decided to be a jerk. Today, we're blessed with snow, sleet, freezing rain, rain, slush, and all sorts of other crap that the weather people dub "wintery mix." Lovely.

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