Friday, January 28, 2011

It could be tragic

Tonight's Agenda: Make Chili and Clean the bathroom. Probably in that order

And just like that, another edition of Jeremy Is In The Office goes right down the pan.

Well, it's not all bad. My Sametime Status today is also a piece of social commentary about people who use social media to update everybody who will listen (willingly or not) to the most mundane trivialities of their lives.

I don't care what you're making for dinner, or if you're just sitting around waiting for your honey to come home. Stop posting this crap! Also, unsubscribe to whatever stupid thing is posting how sexy your name is every frigging day. Not only is it complete and utter nonsense, but it changes every time! It can't even get its own logic right.

Social networking sucks sometimes.

You're also making a joke about how you could potentially be making chili with bathroom-contaminated hands. That's pretty funny for whoever has to eat your chili.

Oh yeah...I suppose that was the original point.

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