Monday, January 17, 2011

I could be a millionaire by now

Very ironically, I forgot what I dreamt about last night

Maybe it had something to do with why the Blag's host software doesn't have the word "dreamt" in it's spellchecker.

That could be...those little red squiggles are getting to be distracting, but this is another one of my Mitch Hedberg moments.

You got an ant farm?

Mitch did a bit one time about how as a comedian, he writes jokes for a living, so every time he thinks of something funny, he writes it down. Of course, if the pen is too far away, he has to convince himself that whatever he thought of wasn't funny. I do this fairly often, but not always with jokes. I've had songs, jokes, screenplays, sitcom episodes and whatnot go through my head at various intervals, most of which happen when I'm nowhere near a computer, pen, piano, or consciousness. In this particular case, it was when I was asleep...I dreamt about something pretty entertaining, and I'm reasonably certain it was a sitcom episode. Either way, by the time I woke up, it was gone, so I've once again only managed to entertain myself.

Sorta like what you're doing right now.

I just find it amusing that this happened again on Martin Luther King day. King, of course, being the deliverer of the famous "I Have A Dream" speech. So while most of you probably have the day off, I'll be at work lamenting the forgetting of my dream. Oh well. His was better.

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